Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pictures from My Birthday Party!!

Hello Lovelies~

 My birthday was this week and I had a lovely day full of Impressionist art and Dr. Seuss. My favorite artist has always been and always will be Degas. For the first time, I actually got to see a Degas close enough to see the lightening of the upward strokes on his sketches.

Romantic.....Elegant.....soft, but strong....I could've stared at those sketches and paintings for the rest of my life and still not seen enough of them. There were other artists represented there of course, but Degas was the main reason I wanted to see the Exhibit.

 It was amazing to see the what each individual was going though by just the stroke of the brush. The amount of paint used. Even by how many colors used within the composition itself.

I can't say this exhibit changed my life. But I can say that after seeing these amazing works of art, my world out look will never be the same. I hope to keep the lessons I learned from the quite whispers in my heart forever.

 Unfortunately, I can't tell you the secrets the canvases wrote upon my heart. You will simply have to see them for yourself and learn your own truths.

 Friday I held a party as my actual birthday fell of Tuesday and I know very few people who actually want to party and stay up late in the middle of the week.

The day started with my very dear friend coming over to help set up for the party. She wasn't able to stay for long, but I really enjoyed getting to spend time with her.

She made cookies, chocolate doughnuts, and muffins. She even brought cream cheese frosted brownies! They were so yummy!

Mum and I made Cheeseburger balls. But they weren't so 'ball' like. But darn they were SO good!

 I missed pictures of people as they arrived, So I missed out on getting pictures of friends I hadn't seen is nearly forever! I'm sad I didn't but I know I'll have opportunities at another point in time.

(To everyone not shown who attended, I hope you know how much I love you! )

The next pictures are from somewhere in the middle of the night.

Look at this purse!!! I love it SO much!! Tabby, my darling friend above, got it for me and I have now transferred everything from my old purse into it.

Above is Al, she is so much fun and bubbly! I WISH I had gotten a picture of her outfit and her shoes. Oh my lord her shoes were amazing! Purple Suede four inch pumps paired with charcoal grey tights and a simple black sheath dress and black wool jacket with black leather accents. I loved it.

  Here she is modeling a pair of Gendo Ikari glasses I've had for about ever.

She got me the most adorable Teapot and yummy smelling Afternoon Tea blend.

And it was all wrapped in this Gorgeous pink shawl shot through with got thread.

Miss Jenee is the most amazing free spirit I've ever met. She is the one who encourages me to be more bold, even if she doesn't know it.  ^_^

Her hair was done so beautifully. I forgot to ask if her hair band was handmade, but it was very cute.

Below is the best gift!! The bow is not only a hair accessory, but a broach!

And inside was this SUPER cute bracelet she made herself! I love the large crystals. It's such a heavy bracelet, but it rattles and shakes and is so perfect.

Below is the Unforgettable C.J. . He's always the life of a party. He sure did bring something to the gathering!

C.J. Being evil about putting vegetables in Tabby's tea. It is one of my favorite memories!

 The vegetables in the tea happen to be Zucchini, Cucumber, Carrot, and a tomato. The tea itself is Pineapple and Blueberry. ....He said it was good. I didn't try it to find out.

And that was my birthday! I had so much fun and I hope the next year is full of just as much laughter and love.

Thanks for reading and sharing another birthday with me!


1 comment:

Kelly M Nostrand said...

OMG!! You look amazing in the last photo!! Love you lots my dear and wish i could have been there!


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