Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lets ~ Fall ~ in Love!

Hello Lovelies~

 Summer is fast coming to a close and everywhere you look, brands are starting to release new Autumn collection designs and some even have the clothing made so that the consumer can see the 2 D drawing brought to life.

It's amazing to see the new trend predictions and how designers are carving out a niche within the latest movement. Right now, Classic Lolita is the craving of late. I love Classic clothes, but classic isn't the only new designs out this year.

 Let's take a look at what's coming up for Fall.

If you're a Metamorphose fan then you're in luck! Meta has released so very good designs for their newest collection. The collection name?

 Night of Masquerade

This collection can boast three different styles of Skirts, a Top, an OP, and a JSK as well as accessories. This collection is offered in three colors.



                                                    And Beige!

I was really pleased with the color choices. With the new Classic Lolita trend that's sweeping the community these colors really spoke to me. Some would say that these colors come out every autumn, but if you look at last years selections, the colors were...less saturated and more...gentle. Strange word to use, but true.

This is the OP Meta is offering and it has completely stolen my heart. I love the color. I love the ribbon detail at the waist. I love the button and chain details on the bodice. I love the bow at the collar. But most of all, I love love that the matching choker is part of the dress and comes included with purchase! This is not a separate piece! It's all included, which is great for the girl, or guy, trying to watch their wallets and just can't afford all of the extras that come with some outfits.

Seeing as this is Meta we are talking about, there are bound to be some hits and misses. I think this JSK is a miss for me. It's a cute design, don't get me wrong, but the chiffon back scoop over skirt is...awkward to me. It looks like a fancy apron...only backwards.

What do you think? Do you like it?

And now the Skirts!

Three skirts, two sketches and one premade one. The third skirt is a fully shirred skirt and will fit up to a 35" waist. This would be a good piece to purchase for a foundation garment. It has the ability to be dressed up with a long sleeved collared shirt or a simple cut sew (t-shirt). I reserve judgement on the other two until I actually see them done, but so far, I like the second picture the best.

This top will more than likely match the third skirt to a T. It's design is much like that of the OP I love so much. I'm not sure how I will like the look in two separate pieces.....I mean....while you can wear the skirt on it's own, you can't really wear the top alone with a solid colored skirt. You would need all of the accessories to make it look put together. I guess it depends on how much you want to experiment really.

This collection will have two hair accessories to compliment it.

 I love a good half bonnet, but I think the round will be more interchange able with different outfits. ^_^

On the next brand.

 Innocent world is keeping their Fall collection close to their vest and are being very stingy with the releases. But from what I can tell of what they have put up for pre-order, I think this year is going to be all about the structure and military inspirations.

IW's color pallet is leaning towards Navy, Hunter Green, and Bordeaux with a little Charcoal and Dark Brown Sugar, for a bit of excitement.

 First up is the Regimental offerings.

What I like most about this dress is the lower waist. It allows a shorter girls the ability to look taller. This is a very simple dress. Crisp and clean is the look IW is going for. No extra ruffles or lace, they want you to appreciate the cut of the clothing rather than the trimmings.

Again with the clean lines. The only eye catching piece is the buckles on the side of the skirt, but I think that gives it a strong presence.

This collection is also offered in Navy....

 The next dress I'm going to show you is a solid dress. No pattern, but I love it! take a look.

I like how IW filled the space between the halter top and the skirt of the dress. The straps are removable for those that would like an uninterrupted back.

What do you think? To severe?  Not enough frill?

 I'll be posting new offerings from the sweet brands soon ^_^



AutobotDen said...

I like the Night of Masquerade color options... I would consider wearing an OP in the beige or navy.... I'm inclined to disagree with you about the chiffon though. I think it's pretty. and I like the simple elegance of the non-patterned IW dress. If it came in navy, I'd like it even more than I do now. :3

Realityhelix said...

Had to get a new drool bucket just for those Innocent World releases.


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