Thursday, November 18, 2010

Homemade Cutie!

Hello Lovelies~

   With Christmas coming up, I decided to try my hand at something I've wanted to do for a long time, but just haven't felt skilled enough to do. But the other day was watching 'Dancing with the Stars' and got this over whelming urge to try my hand at Plushie Making.

So I pulled out so scrap fabric I'd picked up earlier in the month, threaded my needle and set to work Drawing out, then carefully cutting, then puzzling over the stitching until I finally got it right. It turned out super cute, so I'm going to make more!

  Here is the result of my experiment....

Cute huh? Here's one from another angle...

And because he needed a face and I didn't have any buttons right one hand, I used Pins!

What do ya'll think?

 Look for the DIY tutorial on how to make this little cutie for yourself coming soon!

1 comment:

Hi-Chan said...

Intreasting, cant say if it's cute or not till you have it 100% done.


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